About Us

Mission: At Covenant Community School our mission is to partner with parents in training hearts for God, minds for truth, inspiration for learning, and provide outstanding achievement opportunities for all students!


Core Values:

1.      We value the Bible as our foundation for living and learning.

2.      We value an education model based on Christian principles and a Biblical worldview.

3.      We value opportunities for all students to excel academically; preparing them for higher education and/or careers of their choosing.

4.      We value a three-dimensional learning relationship between the home, the school, and the church.

5.      We value Christian modeling by our faculty and staff in all programs of the school.

 Philosophy of Education:  Covenant Community School has ‘Christian Education’ as its basic philosophy. We hold that God is central and everything else exists in relation to Him. If we are to learn correctly, we must allow God His rightful place in the learning process. The Bible clearly states that the “fear of the Lord” is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom (Proverbs 1:7; 9:10). Therefore ‘reverence of God’ is foundational to any valid, integrated, and meaningful education.

‘Christian Education’ views the student as a spiritual being, with physical and mental qualities, and therefore, must be educated as such. It is important that all learning include the ‘spiritual dimension’ of man, because the ‘spiritual dimension’ is actually the integrating factor in man’s education, since the physical and mental qualities have no meaning apart from the soul.

The world in which we live likes to define things as either sacred or secular. However, ‘Christian Education’ recognizes no such dichotomy. The scriptures teach that everything we do in life should be done to the glory of God. “Whether therefore you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). ‘Christian Education’ believes that truth belongs to God, whether it is scientific, historical, philosophical, or spiritual. God must never be excluded from daily life, but rather be the ruler of that life. Since knowing Christ personally is the prime essential in life, ‘Christian Education’ acknowledges Him throughout the learning process.


Curriculum: Covenant Community School has adopted the Noah Plan®, published by the Foundation for American Christian Education, as its core curriculum because of its proven ‘principle approach’ to education. This American Classical-Biblical approach has been developed over many years by drawing upon the classical form of education used in the United States at the time of our founding fathers, as well as upon methods used in Scripture. It is a rich, classical curriculum with diverse learning experiences to nurture the whole potential of the student’s spirit, mind, soul, and body, in each subject and at every grade level. The Noah Plan® also creates a pleasing learning experience using activities that are natural and satisfying to the student. God has designed us to be learners; to be literate, and to embrace all knowledge. The Noah Plan® accomplishes this with a curriculum that teaches a philosophy of life and principles which produce sound reasoning citizens who base their decisions on a Biblical worldview.


Accreditation: CCS currently holds accreditation with the Association of Christian Teachers and Schools (A.C.T.S.), an accreditation which is recognized by the Oklahoma Private School Accreditation Commission.